Groundwater pollution risk in Africa (2016)
Groundwater pollution risk is determined both by the intrinsic vulnerability of the aquifer and the existence of potentially polluting activities at the soil surface. This... -
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Physical exposition to droughts events (1980-2001)
This layer presents an estimation of the annual physical exposition to drought based on Standardized Precipitation Index. Unit is expected average annual population (2010 as the... -
Physical exposition to flood events
This layer presents an estimation of the annual physical exposition to flood. Unit is expected average annual population (2007 as the year of reference) exposed... -
Global estimated risk index for flood hazard
This layer presents an estimation of the global risk induced by flood hazard. Unit is estimated risk index from 1 (low) to 5 (extreme). For more information, visit the Global... -
Humedad relativa en la región del Trifinio
Humedad relativa (%) en la región del Trifinio.Información extraida de la publicación: Catálogo de Objetos Geográficos, Proyecto Gobernanza de las aguas subterráneas en los...