Rivers and streams in the Dinaric Alps region
This layer shows rivers and streams in the Dinaric Alps region. Data were collected in the framework of the DIKTAS project.For more information, visit the DIKTAS project... -
Wastewater discharge points adversely affecting the environment (2011-2012)
This layer presents wastewater discharge points where comprehensive studies indicate whether or not the discharge adversely affects the environment. In 2012, 6.1% of discharge... -
Global return flow ratio
Return flow ratio measures the percent of available water previously used and discharged upstream as wastewater. Higher values indicate higher dependence on treatment plants and... -
Total available amount per day of potable water and reclaimed water (2016)
Amount is expressed in cubic meters. -
Number of Ramsar sites per country
Ramsar sites are wetlands recognized for their international importance, according to the eponymous Convention (signed in 1971, entered into force in 1975). The Convention's...