Boreholes Kenya - Rural Focus
Data and Resources
Turkana-Marsabit Boreholes Rural FocusSHP
Marsabit Boreholes Rural FocusCSV
A dataset in CSV format with coordinates of boreholes in Marsabit County....
Dataset extent
Basic information | |
Resource type | Spatial data set |
Date of creation | 2024-11-15 |
Date of last revision |
Show changelog |
Metadata identifier | Boreholes-Kenya---Rural-Focus |
Metadata language | English |
Themes (DCAT-AP) | |
High-value dataset category | Geospatial |
ISO 19115 topic category | environment |
Other identifier | |
Keyword URIs |
Spatial information | |
INSPIRE identifier | |
INSPIRE Themes | |
Geographic identifier | |
Coordinate Reference System | EPSG:CRS84 |
Spatial representation Type | |
Bounding Box |
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[33.9, 1.5], [37.9, 1.5], [37.9, 5.5], [33.9, 5.5], [33.9, 1.5]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m) |
Responsible Party | |
Name of the dataset creator | IHP-WINS Nairobi Admin |
Name of the dataset maintainer | IHP-WINS Nairobi Admin |
Identifier of the dataset creator | |
Email of the dataset creator | ihp-wins.admin.nairobi@unesco.org |
Identifier of the dataset maintainer | |
Email of the dataset maintainer | ihp-wins.admin.nairobi@unesco.org |
Website of the dataset maintainer |