Mean blue water savings through trade of agricultural and industrial commodit...
The national water saving of a country as a result of trade in a certain commodity is calculated as the net import volume of this commodity times the water footprint of the... -
Green water footprint of national production (1996-2005)
This layer presents estimation of the mean annual green water footprint of national production for the period 1996-2005. The water footprint is a measure of human’s... -
Mean virtual green water flows through trade in crop, animal and industrial p...
International virtual-water flows are calculated by multiplying, per trade commodity, the volume of trade by therespective average water footprint per ton of product in the... -
Mean grey water footprint of consumption per country (1996-2005)
It presents estimations of the mean annual grey water footprint of national consumption for the period 1996-2005. The water footprint is a measure of human’s appropriation of... -
Population connected to wastewater collecting system (1990-2015)
This layer represents percentage of population connected to a wastewater collecting system, with or without treatment, in 2009. The table also provides data for other years .For... -
Mean virtual blue water flows through trade in crop, animal and industrial pr...
International virtual-water flows are calculated by multiplying, per trade commodity, the volume of trade by therespective average water footprint per ton of product in the... -
Volume of surface water entering countries in 2014
This layer represents the average volume of surface water that entered the country in 2014 through transboundary flows. The table also provide information on the volume of... -
Volume of surface water leaving countries in 2014
This layer represents the average volume of surface water that left the country to other countries in 2014. It refers to water leaving through transboundary flow (rivers,... -
Water supply seasonal variability in 2013
The water supply seasonal variability is a normalized indicator of the variation in water supply between months of the year. Estimations are given for the year 2014. Seasonal... -
Freshwater abstracted in 2007
This layer represents the volume of freshwater abstracted in 2007 in million cubic meters. Freshwater abstracted refers to the sum of both fresh surface water and fresh... -
Fresh surface water abstracted in 2007
This layer represents the volume of fresh surface water abstracted in 2007 in million cubic meters (MCM). Fresh surface water are in contact with the athmosphere and can be... -
Population connected to wastewater collecting system in 2009
This layer represents percentage of population connected to a wastewater collecting system, with or without treatment, in 2009. The table also provides data for other years .For... -
National Rainfall Index (1998-2003)
The National Rainfal Index (NRI) is defined as the national average of the total annual precipitation weighted by its long-term average (here, the average rainfall covering the... -
Fresh groundwater abstracted in 2007
Volume of fresh groundwater abstracted by country in 2007 is expressed in million cubic meter. Information in the table is available from 1990 to 2015. Groundwater refers to... -
Water supply interannual variability in 2013
This water supply interannual variability is a normalized indicator of the variation in water supply between years. Estimations are given for the year 2013. Interannual... -
Número de licencias de aprovechamiento familiar en un período dado (año)Media (2010-2017 cuando datos disponibles) La información es extraída del Sistema de Información... -
Suma de los botaderos a cielo abierto existentes en el municipio, donde periódicamente pobladores o la municipalidad acuden a botar los Residuos Sólidos producidos en su hogar,... -
Cantidad de hectáreas en áreas naturales de propiedad municipal.valor del ultimo año registrado (2010-2017)La información es extraída del Sistema de Información Territorial... -
Áreas de producción de café en la región del Trifinio
Áreas de producción de café en la región del Trifinio (Ha) por municipio.Información extraida de la publicación: Catálogo de Objetos Geográficos, Proyecto Gobernanza de las... -
Mercados semanales en la región del Trifinio
Localización de los mercados para ventas durante los fines de semana en la región del Trifinio. Información extraida de la publicación: Catálogo de Objetos Geográficos, Proyecto...