Soil moisture and temperature dataset: TOMST sensors
About the data:
This dataset consists of soil moisture and temperature measurements collected from TOMST ( data loggers in several locations in Africa but also in Cuba. The dataset consists of three near-surface temperature measurements (12 cm ground surface (Temp: +12 cm), on the ground surface (Temp: 0 cm), and just below the surface (Temp: -6 cm). Measurements of soil moisture are collected at a depth of 15 cm below the ground using the Time Domain Transmittometry technique. The TOMST loggers record soil moisture measurements as raw electric signals, which have to be converted to volumetric soil moisture content by a calibration approach. At the moment, we have used a global calibration curve (independent of soil texture) as we calibrate the loggers for different textures. The dataset herein includes the raw sensor readings, which can be calibrated using the TMS calibration guide
This viewer explores temperatures at 12 cm above ground at the locations of the sensors. Explore the time series by clicking on one of the locations, scrolling down and selecting expand above the time series.