The Groundwater Resources Governance in Transboundary Aquifers (GGRETA) Project addresses issues related to Transboundary Aquifers and responds to the pressing need of increasing the knowledge on their physical and socioeconomics characteristics. It is an integral component of the UNESCO’s International Shared Aquifer Resource Management (ISARM) Initiative and the Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP). The project is structured in three phases:
1) GGRETA 1 (2013-2015) 2) GGRETA 2 (2016-2018) 3) GGRETA 3 (2019- 2022) It uses a methodology based on water diplomacy and science. The project is implemented since 2013 in three pilot aquifers and regions, in cooperation with partners and stakeholders:
1) Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System and Africa 2) Pretashkent Transboundary Aquifer system, in Central Asia 3) Ocotepeque-Citala Transboundary Aquifer System, in Central America
Overall project objective is to achieve, in the three pilot regions, a better governance of shared groundwater resources through an approach based on transboundary cooperation and science-based multidisciplinary assessments.