SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Node Data Product for Ukraine
The SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Node Data Product from the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides water surface elevation, slope, width, and discharge... -
South Korea Hydrometeorological Data from WAMIS
This dataset provides comprehensive hydrometeorological data from South Korea, sourced through the WAMIS Open API. It includes hourly, daily, and monthly records of... -
SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Reach Data Product for Ukraine
The SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Reach Data Product from the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides water surface elevation, slope, width, and discharge... -
Surface Water and Ocean Topography of the Dnipro River in Ukraine
This dataset is in a testing state. -
UNEP GEMS Water Global Freshwater Quality Archive
Large-sample datasets are essential in hydrological science to support modelling studies and global assessments. The present dataset compiles all freshwater quality data that is... -
TerriaJS Map Catalog in JSON Format
This dataset contains a collection of JSON files used to configure map catalogs in TerriaJS, an interactive geospatial data visualization platform. The files include detailed... -
Water security: responses to local, regional and global challenges; achieveme...
Overview of the IHP Phase VIII Achievements -
Hydrodiplomacy, Legal and Institutional Aspects of Water Resources Governance.
Hydrodiplomacy, legal and institutional aspects of water resources governance: from the international to the domestic perspective: training manual -
Water Quality Dataset
This dataset provides water quality data from stations in the Republic of Korea. -
Projected changes in annual average precipitation and annual average temperature
Predicted changes in annual average precipitation (%), and annual average temperature (℃) for the near future (2041-2070) and far future (2071-2100) in Republic of Korea (ROK).... -
Latin American Drought Atlas - Argentina
This dataset present the Drought Atlas for Argentina, developed as part of the Latin American and Caribbean Drought Atlas. The maps show the minimum (and maximum) precipitation... -
African Drought Atlas
The African Drought Atlas (ADA), a project aimed at developing a comprehensive understanding of hydro-climatic extreme events in the Africa region. The ADA is inspired by the... -
Open Hydrology
This publication has laid out a strategic framework to integrate Open Science into hydrology, illustrating its true potential to enhance research... -
Latin American and Caribbean Drought Atlas
Drought Frequency maps of Latin America and the Caribbean, including the impacts of droughts and drought management approaches in the countries. -
CRIDA Reports and Case Studies
This dataset includes a set of reports and case studies of CRIDA case studies -
Flooding in Pakistan (August, 2010)
This layer shows NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite images of Pakistan on August 11, 2010, after two weeks of flooding had devastated the country.By early August 2010,... -
Flooding in Ayutthaya, Thailand (October 2011)
This layer shows NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite images of Ayutthaya (Thailand) flood on October 23, 2011. Flooding forced the closure of manufacturing plants in... -
Groundwater storage in Africa
This 5 km resolution grid presents groundwater storage in Africa (in mm). This parameter was estimated by combining the saturated aquifer thickness and effective porosity of... -
Groundwater storage change across the Indo-Gangetic basin
This 1 km resolution grid shows the estimated mean annual groundwater storage change (in cm) across the aquifer based on annual groundwater-level change and specific yield.... -
Humedad relativa en la región del Trifinio
Humedad relativa (%) en la región del Trifinio.Información extraida de la publicación: Catálogo de Objetos Geográficos, Proyecto Gobernanza de las aguas subterráneas en los... -
Groundwater productivity in Africa
This 5 km resolution grid indicates what borehole yields (in l/s) can reasonably be expected in different hydrogeological units. The ranges indicate the approximate... -
Landslides and Landslide Susceptibility Maps - Chimanimani and Chipinge, Zimb...
These datasets and maps present the landslides observed and landslide susceptibility of the Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts of Zimbabwe. The maps provide a qualitative... -
Groundwater salinity across the Indo-Gangetic basin
This 1 km resolution grid shows salinity measured as total dissolved solids (TDS, in mg/l) in the groundwater across the Indo-Gangetic basin. Methodology and a full list of data... -
Groundwater pollution risk in Africa (2016)
Groundwater pollution risk is determined both by the intrinsic vulnerability of the aquifer and the existence of potentially polluting activities at the soil surface. This... -
Groundwater level trends across the Indo-Gangetic basin
This 1 km resolution grid shows mean annual change in water-table levels across the aquifer during the period 2000 to 2010 in meters per year. Methodology and a full list of... -
Groundwater abstraction across the Indo-Gangetic basin (2010)
This 1 km resolution grid shows the estimated mean annual groundwater abstraction in millimeters across the Indo-Gangetic basin based on data from 2010.Methodology and a full... -
Elevación de la región del Trifinio
Elevación de la región del Trifinio.Información extraida de la publicación: Catálogo de Objetos Geográficos, Proyecto Gobernanza de las aguas subterráneas en los acuíferos... -
Global estimated risk index for flood hazard
This layer presents an estimation of the global risk induced by flood hazard. Unit is estimated risk index from 1 (low) to 5 (extreme). For more information, visit the Global... -
Economical exposition to surges from tropical cyclones (1975–2007)
This layer presents an estimation of the annual economical exposition to tropical cyclone surges. (Don't forget to zoom on the coast!)Unit is expected average annual GDP (2010... -
additional testing tiff dataset
This dataset has no description
Flood Hazard Maps for Buzi-Pungwe-Save (BuPuSa) Transboundary River Basins
OpenLISEM is an open-source hydrological model suited for the simulation of floods, flash floods and erosion events. The following sections provide an overview of the results... -
Physical exposition to droughts events (1980-2001)
This layer presents an estimation of the annual physical exposition to drought based on Standardized Precipitation Index. Unit is expected average annual population (2010 as the... -
Physical exposition to flood events
This layer presents an estimation of the annual physical exposition to flood. Unit is expected average annual population (2007 as the year of reference) exposed... -
Chair on Water, Ports and Historic Cities - Communication and Promotional Mat...
This dataset contains communication and promotional materials about activities by UNESCO's Chair on Water, Ports and Historic Cities -
Impact of Floods- Adaptation and Mitigation in the Buze, Pungwe and Save basins
Factsheet “Impact of Floods- Adaptation and Mitigation in the Buze, Pungwe and Save basins” -
National Report - IHP-ROK activities undertaken in the period April 2022 - Fe...
The Republic of Korea has been actively participating in the UNESCO water programme since the start of the IHD in 1965. To continue and enhance the implementation in the... -
Be Resilient South Africa - Communication and Promotion
This dataset contains the communication and promotional material from the Be-Resilient South Africa -
BuPuSa - Newsletters
This dataset contains the Newsletters from the Be-Resilient BuPuSa Project in Zimbabwe and Mozambique -
BuPuSa - Communication and Promotion
This dataset contains communication and promotional material from the BuPuSa project in Mozambique and Zimbabwe -
BuPuSa - Policy Briefs
This dataset contains the Policy Briefs resulting from the Be-Resilient BuPuSa Project in Zimbabwe and Mozambique -
UNESCO Be-Resilient Zimbabwe Programme: Communication and Promotional Material
UNESCO Be-Resilient Zimbabwe Programme: Strengthening Local Communities’ Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to Climate Change through Sustainable Groundwater Utilisation -
Poster “Review of regional groundwater monitoring network - Limpopo case study”
REVIEW OF REGIONAL GROUNDWATER LEVEL MONITORING NETWORK: LIMPOPO CASE STUDY Dr PL Fuku; Dr L Lalumbe; Mr. F Ramusiya; Mr. LZ Maswuma Department of Water and Sanitation: Water... -
IHE Delft - Communication and Promotional Material
This dataset contains communication and promotional material distributed by UNESCO's Category 2 Centre IHE Institute for Water Education (Delft) -
Approaching climate and disasters in an age of uncertainty
This publication provides case studies and insights on climate and disasters in an age of uncertainty, and is a contribution to the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water... -
Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA): collaborative water resource...
This dataset has no description
Flood Impact Assessment Maps - Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts, Zimbabwe
These maps present the flood impact of flood hazards expected in the Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts, Zimbabwe, and are evaluated at 30m resolution. -
Flooding in Mozambique (January, 2013)
This layer shows NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite images of the lower Limpopo River on 31 January 2013. After days of torrential rain pushed the lower Limpopo River... -
Depth to groundwater in Africa
Depth to groundwater, in meters below ground level, was modelled using an empirical rules-based approach, where depth to groundwater was assigned according to rainfall and... -
Transmissivity (m2/d) and hydraulic conductivity (m/d) (Kalahari Aquifers)
This shapefile forms part of the output from the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System Project: -
Maximum Temperature (°C )
This shapefile forms part of the output from the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System Project: